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How to Dodge and Parry in Wuthering Waves Mobile

Understanding the Problem

Many players struggle with dodging and parrying in Wuthering Waves Mobile. These mechanics are crucial for surviving tough battles, but they can be tricky due to the game's fast-paced action and control limitations on mobile.

Common Challenges

Challenge 1: Parry Timing on Mobile

Parrying requires precise timing, which varies depending on the character's attack animation. This makes it difficult to execute consistently on mobile.


Pretty sure the parry timing is also tied to your character's attack animation, so one character’s basic attack will have a different timing than another.

Challenge 2: Dodging Effectively on Mobile

Dodging is also a common issue, particularly with larger enemies and bosses. The game's design can make it hard to react in time, especially on mobile.


At 60fps, I often get smacked around by bigger monsters in the game like the level 40 golem.

Strategies for Improvement

Strategy 1: Customize Mobile Controls

Adjusting your control layout can significantly improve your gameplay on mobile. Place dodge and attack buttons in more comfortable positions.


Go to Terminal (Main Menu) > Settings (Gear Icon) > Keys > Actions > Customize Keyboard. Now you can move all the mobile touch controls around and resize them to your liking, even the transparency.

Strategy 2: Practice Timing on Mobile

Spend time practicing your timing with different characters on mobile. Focus on their attack animations and learn when to execute parries and dodges.


You get almost a second of immunity frames from when you start your dash/dodge, so if you queue in early and the attack comes in half a second later, you’re good.

Strategy 3: Use Visual and Audio Cues on Mobile

Pay attention to the visual and audio cues of enemy attacks on mobile. These cues can help you anticipate and react more effectively.


I squint, guess when an attack is coming, and pray to God I’m right. It feels amazing when I’m actually right.

Strategy 4: Optimize Mobile Device Performance

Ensure your device is running the game smoothly. Reduce graphic settings if necessary to avoid lag and improve responsiveness on mobile.


I run 24fps and have no problem with parrying or dodging. All you need is to practice and find your own timing.

Strategy 5: Leverage Character Strengths on Mobile

Some characters are better suited for parrying and dodging due to their attack speed and animations. Experiment with different characters to find the ones that work best for you on mobile.


Parry on Calcharo feels delayed, but on Jianxin or Lingyang, I have 0 problems. So, when I need to parry, I just swap to them.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Stay Calm on Mobile

Keeping calm during battles helps maintain focus and improve reaction times. Panicking often leads to mistakes on mobile.

Tip 2: Learn Enemy Patterns on Mobile

Understanding enemy attack patterns can give you an edge. Spend time studying their moves to anticipate attacks better on mobile.

Tip 3: Use Peripheral Vision on Mobile

Develop your peripheral vision to keep track of multiple enemies and their movements simultaneously on mobile.

By following these strategies and tips, you can improve your dodging and parrying skills in Wuthering Waves Mobile, making your mobile gameplay experience much more enjoyable.