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How to Identify 4* or 5* Characters in Wuthering Waves

Understanding Character Stars

In Wuthering Waves, identifying the rarity of characters can sometimes be tricky. Here's a quick method to tell if a character is a 4-star or 5-star based on their reveal images.

Example Characters


For the newest character Changli, notice the stars in the reveal image. There's a 4-star to the left and a 1-star to the right. Adding them together gives you 5 stars, indicating Changli is a 5-star unit.

Changli Image


Similarly, Jiyan's reveal image shows 4 stars to the left and 1 star to the right, totaling 5 stars, making Jiyan a 5-star unit.

Jiyan Image


For Baizhi, the reveal image has 3 stars to the left and 1 star to the right, adding up to 4 stars. Therefore, Baizhi is a 4-star character.

Baizhi Image

Why This Matters

Recognizing Character Rarity

Understanding how to identify character rarity helps players make informed decisions about their in-game strategies and resource allocations.

Why This Presentation?

Design Choices

The unique placement of stars might seem confusing at first, but it's part of the game's design. This approach helps maintain a balanced and visually appealing layout.

Community Reactions

Player Feedback

Some players appreciate the unique design, while others find it overly complicated. However, it's clear that the community enjoys discussing these details and the game's design choices.


By following this simple method, you can easily identify the rarity of characters in Wuthering Waves. Keep an eye on the stars in the reveal images to determine if a character is a 4-star or 5-star.

For more discussions and tips, check out the original post and join the community conversation.