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Bring Back the CBT1 Crownless Cutscene!

The Issue with Removing the Crownless Cutscene

Many players are disappointed that the iconic Crownless cutscene from CBT1 was removed from the game. This cutscene provided an intense introduction to the world of WutheringWaves, showcasing the deadly nature of the overlord Tacet discords.

Why Was It Removed?

The developers made changes based on player feedback, but some believe they overcorrected. The original cutscene made the game feel more intense and gave players a better understanding of the threats they face.

Examples of the Problem

Here are some comments highlighting the issue:

"Everytime I see this, I'm disappointed this wasn't added to the game, like why wasn't such a masterpiece of an opening into the world not added"
"He was so strong they had to nerf him so the noobs and content creators could progress lol"

GIF of the Crownless moves

Impact on Gameplay and Story

The removal of the cutscene also affected the storytelling and character development. The original plot showed characters in a more complex light, dealing with themes of distrust and earning respect.

Why Bring It Back?

1. Enhance Player Experience

Bringing back the cutscene would provide new players with a more gripping introduction to the game.

2. Improved Storytelling

It would help set the stakes higher from the start, making the story more engaging.

3. Character Development

The cutscene provided important context for character interactions and development, especially for the main character, Rover.

Player Suggestions

Players have various suggestions for reintroducing the cutscene:

"The holograms also have moves that their regular counterparts donā€™t. It would be more fun if those moves came back."
"This song was detected as sampling: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jku-v48xpBU&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jku-v48xpBU&feature=youtu.be)"


Restoring the Crownless cutscene from CBT1 would significantly enhance the game's narrative and player engagement. Itā€™s a piece of content that many believe should never have been removed. Bringing it back would honor the original vision of the game and provide a richer experience for all players.