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Heavy Attack for Guns is Useless: How to Fix It

Understanding the Issue with Heavy Attacks for Guns

Heavy attacks for gun characters in Wuthering Waves are considered practically useless. They are only good for solving puzzles, but during combat, they fall short. Normal attacks (NA) are faster and often deal more damage.

Example 1: Mortefi's Heavy Attack

Mortefi's HA damage is 107.4%, but it takes as long as three or four normal attacks to charge.

Example 2: Chixia's Heavy Attack

Chixia's HA damage is very low compared to NA, making it ineffective in combat.

Example 3: Mr. Aalto's Heavy Attack

Aalto has nodes dedicated to HA that are practically useless due to low damage output.

Proposed Solutions

Solution 1: Differentiate Aim and Heavy Attacks

Aim attacks and heavy attacks should be two distinct actions for gun characters. This separation would allow for more strategic use in combat.

Solution 2: Increase Damage Output

Boosting the damage of heavy attacks could make them more viable. However, the increase needs to be significant to make a difference in combat scenarios.

Solution 3: Introduce New Mechanics

Adding new mechanics to heavy attacks could enhance their utility. For example, implementing a parry system or making heavy attacks AoE could provide more combat options.

Example of New Mechanic

Press HA, character crouches into an anime sniper stance and fires a powerful shot with shockwaves.

Solution 4: Modify Existing Characters

Rework current gun characters to have more effective heavy attacks. Adjust their skills and nodes to make heavy attacks a valuable part of their arsenal.

Example of Character Rework

Aalto's HA should fire six homing mist orbs with a shorter cooldown to match combat rotations.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Utility in Combat

Aim attacks should have some utility in combat, like the ability to parry or break enemy poise. This would make them more useful in various situations.

Tip 2: Future Character Designs

Design future characters with mechanics that make heavy attacks integral to their playstyle. Introducing characters with unique heavy attack animations and effects could set a new standard.

Tip 3: Community Feedback

Engage with the community to gather feedback and adjust mechanics based on player experience. Regular updates and communication can help align game mechanics with player expectations.

By addressing these issues and implementing the proposed solutions, Wuthering Waves can enhance the gameplay experience for gun characters and make heavy attacks a more valuable and strategic part of the game.