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Fixing Translation Errors in Wuthering Waves

The Problem with Translation Errors

Many players of Wuthering Waves have noticed that the English translation of the game has numerous errors, causing confusion and frustration. These errors range from simple typos to major mistranslations that affect the gameplay experience.

Examples of Translation Issues

Here are some notable examples of these translation errors:

"When Intro Skill is released, increases ATK by~"

French translation: "When Outro Skill is released, increases ATK by~"

Pet the dog option:
Translated as "animal' the dog" in German.
Forgery Challenges:
Translated as "fake items" in German.

Impact of Errors

These translation mistakes are not just limited to English. French, German, and Spanish versions also suffer from poor translations, often making the game difficult to play and understand. For instance, in the German version, important gameplay terms are mistranslated, leading to confusion about the game's mechanics.

Solutions to Improve Translations

1. Use Professional Translators

The primary solution is to employ professional translators who understand both the source and target languages. This ensures accurate and contextually appropriate translations.

2. Implement a Review Process

A proper review process involving native speakers of the target language should be established. This includes proofreading and testing the translations within the game context to catch and correct errors.

3. Contextual Translation

Translators should have access to the game or at least detailed descriptions and context for the text they are translating. This helps avoid literal translations that do not fit the game's context.

4. Use AI with Human Oversight

While AI can assist in initial translations, human oversight is crucial. AI should be used to speed up the process, but final checks must be done by experienced translators to ensure quality.


Improving the translation quality in Wuthering Waves is essential for a better gaming experience. By using professional translators, implementing a robust review process, and ensuring contextual translations, the game can significantly reduce errors and enhance player satisfaction.