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Pull Drought in Wuthering Waves

Understanding the Pull Drought

Many players of Wuthering Waves have noticed a scarcity of ways to obtain pulls after the initial influx of asterite and compensation pulls. This has raised concerns about the sustainability of acquiring new characters and weapons without spending money.

Problem 1: Limited Asterite Sources

Players have pointed out that the sources of asterite are quite limited, making it challenging to gather enough for pulls.


ToA resets every 3 weeks and gives a total of 700 asterite.
Events are pretty unrewarding, like the current Alloy Smelt event that gives only 460 asterite over 3 weeks.

Problem 2: Event Rewards

The rewards from events are considered insufficient. The "free" pull shop doesn't reset monthly but with each patch, reducing the number of pulls players can accumulate.


The "free" pull shop doesn't reset monthly but each patch. Yes, it also gives weapon banner pulls but I would 100% trade my weapon banner pulls for character banner pulls.

Problem 3: Lack of Standard Pulls

Standard pulls are almost exclusively obtained through the Battle Pass (BP), which is limiting for free-to-play players.


You have no way to get standard pulls other than BP.

Solution 1: Increase Asterite Rewards

One potential solution is to increase the asterite rewards from events and other in-game activities.


In the last announcement, they said that there will be a new event that would give 800 asterite.

Solution 2: Regular Shop Resets

Resetting the "free" pull shop monthly instead of with each patch could provide more opportunities for players to gather pulls.

Solution 3: Weekly Reset Mode

Introducing a weekly reset mode similar to other games could help provide a steady flow of pulls.


I hope they add some kind of weekly reset mode or system soon similar to the SU weekly reward system.

Solution 4: Enhance Event Rewards

Enhancing the rewards from events, including giving more asterite, character, and weapon pulls, can make events more appealing and rewarding.


The current event Alloy Smelt gives a grand total of 460 asterite over 3 weeks which is 3 pulls. This needs to be increased to keep players engaged.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Balance Pull Currency

Balancing the pull currency between character and weapon banners can ensure players have more control over what they pull for.

Tip 2: Improve Echo Experience

The echo leveling system is another area where players feel the pinch. Making it easier to level up echoes without excessive resource costs can improve overall player satisfaction.

By addressing these issues and implementing the suggested solutions, Wuthering Waves can improve player satisfaction and maintain a healthy, engaged player base.