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How to Dodge Heron’s Feathers in Wuthering Waves

Understanding the Heron’s Feather Attack

Problem with the Heron’s Feather Attack

Many players struggle with dodging the Heron’s feather attack, especially the huge nuke attack when it sticks its head into the ground. This can be frustrating and often leads to unnecessary deaths in the game.

Common Strategies

Strategy 1: Use Jianxin

One effective method is to swap to Jianxin and hold E to dodge the attack.

Swap to jianxin and hold E 🗿

Strategy 2: Use Taoqi

Another option is to swap to Taoqi and hold the left click. This also works well for many attacks in the game.

Or swap to Taoqi and hold left click

Strategy 3: Use Grappling Hook

Using the grappling hook can be very effective. It gives room for error even if you grapple too early.

Not sure if it's the best way but I've been dodging it using the grappling hook which usually gives room for error even if you grapple too early

Detailed Solutions

Solution 1: Timing the Dodge

If it’s the attack with the ring of fire, as soon as the ring changes color, press dodge, and you should be safe.

As soon as the ring changes color, press dodge and you are good.

Solution 2: Using Grapple for Vortex

Use the grapple to get out of the vortex attack. This helps a lot and gives you more control over your movement.

You use the grapple to get out of that vortex. Helps a lot.

Solution 3: Active Echo Replacement

If one-shot attacks are a problem, consider replacing one of your active echoes with one that counters or stops special attacks.

If you're having trouble with one shot attacks you can replace one of your active echoes with a "counters" or "stops special attacks" one.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Utilizing Game Mechanics

Players who have experience with games like FFXIV might find these mechanics familiar and can adapt strategies from those games.

Tip 2: Using Grappling Hook and Hover

For the flying fire breath attack, use the rope thing and hover. The hitbox of that attack is on the ground, so hovering keeps you safe.

Just use the rope thing and hover, the hitbox of that atk is in the ground

Tip 3: Running Towards the Heron

Run towards the Heron, not the fire, as the fire follows a specific path and doesn’t hit directly underneath the Heron.

You can also run towards it (the Heron, not the fire), as it seems to follow a specific path and the fire doesn't really hit underneath it.


Dodging the Heron’s feather attack in Wuthering Waves requires a combination of timing, utilizing game mechanics, and sometimes changing your approach. By following these strategies, you can improve your chances of successfully dodging and surviving these attacks.