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Ultimate Trick for World Echo Farming: 100% Drop Rate!

Discovering the Trick

A YouTuber named KokkyGachas discovered an amazing trick to farm echoes in WutheringWaves with a 100% drop rate. This method relies on a hidden pity system that guarantees an echo drop after a specific number of kills.

How the Pity System Works

The pity system kicks in after the 4th elite enemy kill without an echo drop. This means if you kill three elite enemies and donā€™t get an echo, the fourth elite you kill will definitely drop one. Itā€™s important to note that this system is specific to enemy classes.


After killing three Hoochiefs with no echo drops, the fourth Hoochief will drop an echo.

Implementing the Trick

  1. Identify Secondary Targets: Start by killing secondary targets that you don't mind farming but arenā€™t your primary focus.
  2. Monitor Drops: Keep track of kills and echo drops.
  3. Switch Targets: After three kills without an echo drop, switch to your primary target. The next kill will guarantee an echo drop.

Visual Example:

[Image: Hoochief collection](https://preview.redd.it/oo3edkffeh3d1.png?width=870&format=png&auto=webp&s=25cf99dc1802926d90138aab8ba076831f4d7c5c)

Special Cases: Overlord and Calamity Bosses

For Overlord and Calamity bosses, the pity system triggers on the second kill after a non-drop. This can be less useful since these bosses respawn quickly, but itā€™s good to know.

Strategy for Bosses:

  • Rotate between different bosses (e.g., Inferno and Dreamless) to ensure a drop on every second kill.

Practical Tips

Tip 1: Efficient Farming

Focus on secondary targets first and switch to your primary targets when you need the guaranteed drop. This method requires more time and effort but significantly boosts your chances of getting the echoes you want.

Tip 2: Track Your Kills

Keep mental or written notes of your kills and drops to manage the pity system effectively.

Tip 3: Consider Playtime

This method is more beneficial for players who can dedicate several hours to farming.


"By using this method, I was able to ensure every single Violet-Feathered Heron on the map dropped an echo. Instead of getting echoes from ~25% of the Herons, I got echoes from 100% of them."

Final Thoughts

This method revolutionizes echo farming in WutheringWaves, especially for dedicated players willing to invest time. While it requires more effort, the results can be game-changing. Try it out and see the difference it makes in your echo farming strategy!

Enjoy the new farming method and happy gaming!