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Settings Problems in Gacha Games

Understanding the Problem

Many players of gacha games, like WutheringWaves, are frustrated by the lack of a settings menu before launching the game. This leads to a series of annoying issues, like being stuck with default audio and visual settings, and having to endure cutscenes with unwanted language or volume levels.

Example Issues

Here are some specific problems that players encounter:

Why does the game think I want to hear everything at earblast volume max levels?
Why am I stuck at visual settings that I can't choose for myself until later?

Solution Overview

To enhance the gaming experience, it's crucial to address these settings issues. Here are some practical solutions:

Solution 1: Pre-Launch Settings Menu

Implement a settings menu accessible before the game starts. This would allow players to adjust audio, visual, and language settings right from the get-go.


I always play in CN but the starting scene is in EN and I hated the voice acting so much.

Solution 2: Replayable Cutscenes

Allow players to rewatch cutscenes after they've adjusted their settings. This ensures they don't miss important story elements due to initial setup constraints.


It's ridiculous especially because you can't rewatch the opening cutscene so it's just always whatever default it selects for your region.

Solution 3: Flexible Language Options

Provide options to change the language for both audio and text before any cutscenes or gameplay begins. This helps in avoiding the frustration of having to go through unwanted language settings.


I can't listen to the English dub so I wish I could change it before I even play the game.

Solution 4: Customizable Graphics Settings

Enable players to adjust graphics settings from the launcher, ensuring the game runs smoothly on their system right from the start.


PC has default overclocked settings and I cannot enter the game LMAO currently playing on mobile.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Use External Tools

For PC users, consider using tools like NVIDIA GeForce Experience to tweak graphics settings if the game doesn't provide pre-launch options.


If you’re on PC you might be able to at least change graphics settings through NVIDIA GeForce/panel.

Tip 2: Edit Game Files

For tech-savvy players, manually editing game files might offer a temporary solution to adjust settings not available in-game.


You may be able to manually edit the game files for this issue. I know you can change FPS by editing the files.

By addressing these common settings issues, gacha game developers can significantly improve player satisfaction and overall gameplay experience.