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How to Pick Up Cube

Understanding the Issue

Many players of Wuthering Waves are having trouble picking up the cube in the game. This seems to be linked to whether or not they've unlocked the Levitator tool.

Common Problem: Levitator Tool Not Unlocked

Problem Description

Players can't pick up the cube because the Levitator tool, required for this action, hasn't been unlocked or is missing due to a bug.


When do you unlock the levitator? I've completed act 1 and don't have it yet. is it missable?

Strategy 1: Progress in the Game


Keep playing through the game to unlock the Levitator tool. Some players reported it appears after progressing to Act 2.


I got mine maybe 5 minutes into act 2, when you get the next utility! Now I've got everything.

Strategy 2: Report the Bug


If the tool doesn't unlock, report it as a bug. Sometimes it gets unlocked retroactively after reporting.


I figured it was a bug or something. Luckily, it popped up in my Utilities when I unlocked Sensor at the beginning of Act 2.

Strategy 3: Follow UI Prompts


Stand next to the cube and follow the UI prompts, such as pressing the "T" key. Ensure you've completed the tutorial that unlocks the gadget switch tab.


Stand next to it, press t. It should be indicated by the UI on the bottom. If not, you might need to do the tutorial that unlocks the tab function to switch gadgets.

Additional Tips

Tip 1: Check for Game Updates

Sometimes, bugs are fixed in updates, so keep your game up to date.

Tip 2: Use In-Game Support

Contact in-game support if the problem persists. They may provide a quicker fix or additional guidance.

By following these strategies, you should be able to resolve the issue of picking up the cube in Wuthering Waves. Happy gaming!